Born in Poland, based in Sydney, Australia and have travelled in between. My great passions are travel and photography, that I cannot live without, therefore I would like to share my experience to you to provide you great product with the highest standards possible. My great passions are travel and photography, that I cannot live without, therefore I would like to share my experience to you to provide you great product with the highest standards possible.

I am also experienced carpenter with love to look into the details in my work. This is why I try to combine those two passions into one and create an artwork on my own, including printing and framing.
My service provides the whole spectrum of work, from taking the shoot to hang it on your wall, that is free of charge in Sydney Metro Area 

I hope you enjoy my photography and the offering service, so I could fulfil all your needs regarding obtaining my artwork. Hope to hear from you soon! 





 From my perspective: ;)